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Secure Privacy Protection We are committed to protecting your privacy. This page explains how we go about ensuring that your personal information is protected through our secure process. Below, you can learn more about the steps we take and the choices you can make in how your information will be collected. Information Received On certain pages of www.palscourse.com, you have the opportunity to order specific products, online courses and contact our staff. The privacy process that we follow applies to all correspondence, either through the ordering procedures or contact requests. Information that we receive include: name, email address, telephone number, address, credit card and debit card information. Additionally, we may seek further personal information to indentify an individual and confirm they have completed the program and/or their order requirements. Purpose of Personal Details The primary purpose of the personal details we collect when ordering a course or product is to assist completion of the order process. Your information is never shared unless it is required in order to complete the transaction and only through secure steps. In certain circumstances, we may contact an individual who has purchased an item or course from our website to either update them on status of shipment or to help complete a transaction that requires consent. If you should contact our staff, we will use your return email address or phone number to reply to the query, should it require follow up. We do not use email addresses for promotional, unsolicited or unexpected uses. We do not and will never sell, distribute or share your personal information with any outside parties. Secure Data Process Our secure processing and information-gathering procedures uphold the highest level of integrity, privacy and protection. We have carefully integrated our digital and physical management procedures to protect and maintain security of the information we receive. How to Revise Your Personal Details If you would like to access and/or revise your personal information with us, please contact us at: admin@aclsnational.com and upon verifying your identity, we can assist your specific requests. If you have questions aside from revising your details, please CONTACT US through our form which ensures you receive the fastest response.